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Semi-permanent eyeliner is a great solution for those who love the look of eyeliner without having to apply it every day or would just like a little extra definition in the eye region. You will be able to choose from a multitude of eyeliner styles and colours. You can show the artist examples of what you’d like, or you can show up wearing your usual makeup for a look personalized look. Keep in mind that you’ll be wearing the look every day and you need it to suit any occasion. You can expect this procedure to last anywhere from 2 to 4 years depending on your lifestyle and cellular turnover.

How It Works

After your consultation, the artist will clean and prep the eye region as well as apply a numbing cream that will make the procedure pain-free or minimize any discomfort you may have.

Once the anesthetic kicks in, your artist will start implementing pigments onto the eyelid with a PMU device specially designed for cosmetic tattooing.

The technique implies breaking the surface of the skin over and over and saturating the skin by adding more and more tiny pixels that merge into a line, thus drawing on your eyeliner in the shape desired. At Studio Artista, we use the highest quality pigments such as the industry leading PHI pigments. Their wide range of colours are vegan, cruelty-free, do not contain heavy metals and will not change colour with time.

Cost of Treatment

Every treatment plan is unique & tailored to your needs to help you achieve your best self. During our free and no-commitment consultations, our specialists are here to listen and give you all the information you need to make knowledgeable choices.

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Pre-Procedure Instructions

1) Avoid any chemical peels, laser treatments or microdermabrasion 30 days prior to your appointment.

2) Botox and filler injections should be performed no less than 4 weeks prior to your appointment has they can alter the texture of your skin.

3) False lashes or lash extensions need to be removed at least 5 days before your procedure.

4) Do not lift your lashes for at least 2 weeks before the procedure.

5) Contact lenses need to be removed pre-procedure.

6) Must not be on any antibiotics.

7) No Retin A, chemical exfoliators, or Accutane within 30 days of your appointment.

8) Must not have had any surgery done in the past 30 days.

9) The use of sunbeds or sun exposure (tanning) less than two weeks before your appointment is forbidden. If you have a sunburn at the time of the appointment, you will have to be rescheduled.

10) Avoid waxing or tinting in the eye area 2 weeks prior to your appointment.

11) Avoid blood thinners such as Ibuprofen, aspirin, Aleve, NSAIDS, vitamin E, fish oil or vitamins unless medically necessary 48-72 hours before your scheduled appointment. We will require a doctor’s approval if on prescribed blood thinners.

12) Avoid working out at least 24 hours before your appointment.

13) No alcohol or caffeine at least 24 hours leading up to your appointment.

14) If desired, wear your everyday eye makeup if you choose to provide an idea of your preferred color and liner shape to your artist.

15) It is advisable to wash your hair that morning, since you cannot get your liner wet for the next few days.

16) Bring sunglasses to wear post-procedure as your eyes may be sensitive to light after the treatment.

17) Please hydrate and eat a light meal the day of your appointment.

18) Discontinue the use of any brow-growth serums like Latisse, as it can cause sensitivity / affect pigment.

19) Inform your artist if you’ve had any eye surgery or intervention in the area (Botox, filler, laser eye surgery, etc.).

20) Avoid booking on your menstrual cycle if possible as it can increase sensitivity.

Post-Procedure Instructions

It is to be noted that the healing process post your first semi-permanent eyeliner session can take anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks depending on the individual. The first 10 days post procedure are incredibly important. Please follow these tips for optimum results:

1) Do not touch, rub, or scratch the treated area. It is very sensitive, and you can peel the pigment off if you treat it inappropriately. Use a q-tip dipped into sterile water and gently clean the area.

2) Use a gentle cleanser.

3) Keep your hair away from your enhancement to prevent the possibility of infection.

4) Do not wear eye makeup, especially mascara (a fresh one), for 15 days. All makeup brushes should be cleaned prior to your first makeup application post- procedure.

5) Avoid sun exposure (do so by wearing sunglasses to protect your eyes from wind and pollution)

6) Avoid sweating, saunas, gyms and working out as well as swimming pools.

7) No facials, Botox or any other cosmetic treatments for at least 4 weeks.

8) Do not wear contact lenses during the permanent eyeliner aftercare period. Wear glasses instead and when it’s finished, get a new pair of contacts if possible.

9) Do not use any creams on top of your tattoo unless instructed to do so by your artist.


As previously mentioned, the skin does take some time to heal after a semi-permanent makeup session. During the healing period, it is totally normal that some of the pigment is lost due to flaking and the body working to extract the foreign substance. The lost pigment is replenished at the touch up, where the artist adds more color, and can modify the shape if you would like your line to be thicker. At our studio, we understand that quality results take time and dedication, that is why we include a complementary touch up 6 weeks after the initial session in our pricing. To understand the importance of the first touch up, think of the treatment as a 2-step process. The touch up is there to correct all the irregularities and redefine your eyeliners. Its purpose is to add onto what may have faded during the healing period. It’s also an opportunity to make some modifications if the need may be. After your touch up, your results will last you anywhere from 2 to 4 years. To prolong the crisp pigmented look of your liner, it is possible to schedule annual touch ups as desired.


This service should not be performed on persons with eye disorders, eye infections, who suffer from hay fever, conjunctivitis, who have styes, who have had recent eye surgery, who have dry eye syndrome, who are currently using prescribed medicated eye drops or Thyroxin (this medication can prevent lashes from curling in certain cases). This service should not be done on persons having had an allergic reaction to any form of pigment.

It is to be noted that the skin must be free of all irritations including ingrown hairs, blemishes, eczema, sunburns, and psoriasis to go through with this procedure. The client will have to reschedule their appointment if our pre-care guidelines have not been properly followed or they arrive to their appointment sick with a cold, flu, or viral/bacterial infection. It is a possibility that hormone therapies may affect pigmentation or cause sensitivity. Persons with liver disease (high risk of infection) who are Pregnant or nursing, compromised skin, who are going through or who have recently gone through chemotherapy or radiation, who have skin conditions like psoriasis, dermatitis, etc. near the brow area are not suitable candidates for this procedure. The following medical conditions require a clearance note from your doctor: type 1 and 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, auto-immune diseases, thyroid / Graves’ disease, and any other medical conditions that slow down the healing process or may produce a high risk of infection.


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